Monday, 1 August 2011

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<b>News</b> | Six Clicks - StyleList

Photo: Getty Could Florence Welch be the next guest designer at Topshop? We hope so! (Racked) The Council of Fashion Designers of Amer.

<b>News</b> | Six Clicks - StyleList

Local <b>News</b> Reporter Shot with BB Gun During Live Segment

Leanne Suter, a reporter for KABC in Los Angeles, was shot in the hand with a BB gun yesterday while doing a segment on weather. We can't find video of the incident itself, but apparently Leanne is such a bad-ass that ...

Local <b>News</b> Reporter Shot with BB Gun During Live Segment

More bad poll <b>news</b> for Obama as debt deal brings smiles to Capitol <b>...</b>

Large increase in number of Americans who see Obama as &#39;too confrontational.&#39;

More bad poll <b>news</b> for Obama as debt deal brings smiles to Capitol <b>...</b>

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